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Setting Foundry
While trying to set my foundry after installing using the "forge init" command, i got this error:
Error: failed to commit (code=Some(128), stdout="", stderr="Author identity unknown\n\n*** Please tell me who you are.\n\nRun\n\n git config --global ""\n git config --global "Your Name"\n\nto set your account's default identity.\nOmit --global to set the identity only in this repository.\n\nfatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'user@MACs-MBP.(none)')")
Though I was able to get all the folder I needed, except from "lib" and ".gitmodules" hope this won't affect me in future. And i also try using the "forge init --force" still the same
- Cyfrin Updraft
- Foundry
- Solidity
2The Global git configuration on your system is yet to be setup. Use the following commands in your terminal
// Bash
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
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